I havent posted here in forever lol
Sorry you guys, school has me in a chokehold so art's been non-existent.
Hope to post art sometime soon but as always nothing is guaranteed, thanks for sticking around regardless
I like scott pilgrim
I do art
I want to animate and shit but ill cross that bridge when I get to it
PM me if you want my discord.
your mom
Cardboard box
Joined on 11/23/21
Posted by picolocity366 - 1 month ago
I havent posted here in forever lol
Sorry you guys, school has me in a chokehold so art's been non-existent.
Hope to post art sometime soon but as always nothing is guaranteed, thanks for sticking around regardless
Posted by picolocity366 - September 22nd, 2024
I don't know about you guys but I'm so excited for Look Back next month! The manga is one of my favorite one-shots and apparently the movie is including extra content, so I'm super hyped for it!
Hopefully i can make something for it if my schedule allows it
Posted by picolocity366 - June 13th, 2024
I lowkey wanna host a Shin Megami Tensei/Persona collab but I have no idea how to go about it
I'll research it and call in some friends to see if they're be down but first I have to organize its structure first of all
I'll just put that on my to do list for now
EDIT: Lowkey this post was just a what-if kinda scenario but now I'm actually considering pursuing it
Posted by picolocity366 - May 15th, 2024
I probably wont be participating but I hope you guys have fun with it. Given I'm not the artist I used to be itll be nice to see some new ng artistic blood on the portal on the 18th
You guys can just forget about me I just wanted to pop in and say hi
Posted by picolocity366 - January 15th, 2024
So yeah, I'm participating this year! I'm making a massive piece for pixel day so prepare for that. All the lineart is done and coloring is like 50% done, and itll be Dragon Quest themed.
It'll be a remake of my first ever pixel art, and I hope you guys like it when it comes out on the 23rd if I can get it done by that time.
Please look forward to it!
Posted by picolocity366 - December 24th, 2023
Its crazy to think that we're already at the end of yet another year.
This is my 2nd year being on NG, and Ive gotta say quite alot has happened ever since this year has started and is now close to concluding.
Its crazy how much Ive acomplished this year on ng, things Id never thought Id acomplish so quickly, and I want to celebrate all those things with post.
Art highlights of this year:
My very first frontpaged piece! Its crazy to me how I got frontpaged from this drawing months ago, bit the positive feedback I got from it was 100% percent worth all the work I put into it and I hope that it shows. Thank you to everylne who got this front paged, I really appreciate it.
The standout piece of the year! This is the piece that really represents the extent of my artistic ventures this year and I love it for that reason and more.
I did alot of fnf stuff this year for various mods, which can be seen here if youre interested:
Despite that, however, theres still a few fnf pieces Ive done which I have yet to show, but Im pretty proud of them so here they are:
I was very much hyperfocused on discord fnf stuff in the latter half of this year which left my account practically barren, but Im looking to rectify that in 2024 so stay tuned.
Little supplemental piece I did that I liked and wanted to share.
So overall, can I say that improved as an artist this year?
Definitley! Doing so much fnf mod creation helped my artistic muscles grow and Im excited to show that growth more in 2024.
Other highlights
Ill never forget the moment when I booted up NG on my phone only to discover I was user of the day.
Alot of emotions ran through me in that exact moment, but the most prevalent one was an immense feeling of happiness and pride so relieving it was almost overwhelming. Becoming UOTD was one of the things I wanted to acheive most on NG, and having it actually occur was immensly satisfying. I couldnt have done it without the support of everyone who supported ny art and pused me to be better, and I promise I wont take it for granted.
So, in the end, that was my 2023 on NG as well as elsewhere. I wasnt as active as I always wanted to be, but Im deadset on remedying that in 2024 or die trying. NG despite being a place I love has also been a place where I feel as if Im drifting away from, but that wont stop me from supporting it nonetheless
Happy Holidays and a happy new year everyone! Lets make it our best yet!
Posted by picolocity366 - December 4th, 2023
Thank you so much to everyone that made this possible! Im so glad to have finally made an impact on this site worthy of me becoming UOTD and i really appreciate it
Onwards and upwards!
Posted by picolocity366 - November 2nd, 2023
So this is something I've been meaning to do for awhile, but I've finally decided to jump the gun and do it.
I'll be deleting alot of my shittier arts to make way for a better catalog of arts I've stockpiled over the months.
This includes art I've made for others, so if you would to get these arts before they're deleted just dm me.
I want this to signify a new era for me, picolocity366. I've grown so much from the 12 year old amateur digital artist who only started drawing digitally in 2021 and I want my gallery to reflect that.
I'm sorry if this comes off as a bit sudden, but I just wanted to make sure everyone was informed of this event beforehand.
I will delete all the arts by 6 pm this Friday. If you want to save any of my older images than feel free as long as you credit me.
Posted by picolocity366 - October 14th, 2023
I'll try to be a little more active here from now on, so don't worry. I'm not dead or anything lol
Posted by picolocity366 - August 29th, 2023
Drop some of your coldest music suggestions/playlists here if you're kino
I'm going to be drawing for a majority of the day and I need some tunes