So this is something I've been meaning to do for awhile, but I've finally decided to jump the gun and do it.
I'll be deleting alot of my shittier arts to make way for a better catalog of arts I've stockpiled over the months.
This includes art I've made for others, so if you would to get these arts before they're deleted just dm me.
I want this to signify a new era for me, picolocity366. I've grown so much from the 12 year old amateur digital artist who only started drawing digitally in 2021 and I want my gallery to reflect that.
I'm sorry if this comes off as a bit sudden, but I just wanted to make sure everyone was informed of this event beforehand.
I will delete all the arts by 6 pm this Friday. If you want to save any of my older images than feel free as long as you credit me.
But old arts shows progress thou, but if you feel like this is the right decision, go right ahead I would love to see what arts you post moving forward!